
Collecting Data of Electricity Usage

Let's Gather Data by Ourselves!

Students learned the collecting methods for each type of data to make a dataset by themselves. 

To sum up, they searched following methods:


Make a list of all the home appliances

Students gather and list the appliances they can think of. And they draw a diagram of their homes, and then note the appliances in those locations to create a list.

Learn how to read various data in energy efficiency grades.

Efficiency grade, power consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, detailed product information, annual energy cost, legal basis, and enforcement date.

Practice finding the electronic devices in our class

Students find and take pictures of the electronic devices in our class, then upload them to the padlet and share. 

Practicing gathering images of electronic devices independently at school is to enable students to do this activity on their own.

Find Elec Hippo Around Us

Elec Hippos represent the electronics that consume the most electricity.

Students identified these energy-intensive devices in their classrooms and homes.
To raise awareness, they placed stickers on these electronics as reminders to themselves and their family members about their high energy usage.

Some students have made dictionaries by themselves and shared with peers. 

Elec Hippos Activity in Our Class

Practices for interviewing their family 

Students needed to interview their own family members to collect data on electricity usage.
To practice interviewing to gather more precise data, students made their own questions and interviewed their peers in short period of time. 

Through this activity, students learned how to revise their questions and which words they should use to get good data. 

Practices for utilizing appliances data  with personal devices

Students review the teacher's example of household appliance data and use their personal devices to find power consumption. They calculate carbon emissions by considering usage frequency and time.


Collecting Data on Electricity Usage 

After practices, students collected data on electricity usage in three ways. 

First, brought the paper for interviewing their family members about electricity usage to their home. 

Second, they took pictures of electronics in order to provide information about model names. 

Third, the input the information written on paper into a Google Form one by one to facilitate smooth data analysis.

Example of a Padlet website of a student

Example of a Google Form to collect data about electricity usages and photos of electronics

Analysis of Power Bills

Students analyze our electricity bill and make action plans on how to reduce electricity use.

Make action plans

When students create an action plan, make it data-driven, ongoing, and actionable.

Using these examples, students compare power consumption and plan how to use electricity in the future by changing the modes of their brought-from-home appliances and observing changes in power consumption.

Make the invisible, "Visible"

Discovering standby power with a power meter, students think about which appliances at home have cords continuously plugged in

They compare the power consumption of hot, cold, and purified water in a water purifier and demonstrate a comparison of the power consumption of the low, medium, and high modes in an air purifier. 

Make a commitment to save energy in life


See the world through a carbon lens

Students now know the amount of coal needed to light one bulb, so they practice conservation by turning off unnecessary lights around the school, avoiding the use of coal.